Welwyn Anglo-French Twinning – Past Events
Twinning Weekend 2010

Once again a group of Welwyn residents found themselves gathered at St Pancras station at the end of May, this time to welcome our French friends from Champagne. A waiting coach whisked them off to enjoy various parts of London with visits to Oxford Street shops, the Science Museum and Covent Garden. We then proceeded to Welwyn for the official reception with the Parish council and after speeches of welcome there followed a traditional fish & chip supper and a Fun Quiz.
The following day was spent at the Herts County Show. With so much to do and see everyone had a good time. Some of our guests even found some French people selling French gardening knives – and bought some to take home – les chauvins! That evening Welwyn was treated to an invasion of sailors (both French and British), pirates and other sea creatures as guests and hosts alike entered into the spirit of the nautically-themed dinner.

Bank Holiday Monday saw a special opening of the Roman Baths in honour of the French guests. After lunch with the host families everyone gathered on Welwyn North station from where, amid much flag waving, the visitors departed for home.
Special thanks are due to the hard working committee for their tireless efforts in planning and running the week-end and also to Sandra for arranging the nautical evening. We are especially grateful to Welwyn Parish Council for their continued support of this important cultural link.