Welwyn Anglo-French Twinning – Forthcoming Events


Friday 21 February. 7:15 for 7:30pm start.

'Unforeseen Norway - Information that is not in the tourist brochures'
A fascinating talk by the very popular Joy Hall.

Civic Centre Small Hall

The price is £12.50 per person. Light refreshments, including a glass of wine, will be provided. To reserve and purchase the tickets, please use the email grahamhowat1@gmail.com or telephone 07801 747777.

If you can please pay by bank transfer:
Account Name: WAFTA
Account No: 10118222
Sort Code: 20-92-54

For those who do not do online banking, there is the option to pay at the door PROVIDED that the places have been reserved in advance by email.

Saturday 15 March.

WAFTA Quiz Evening.

Further details to be announced.

Saturday 21 June.

Welwyn Street Market

WAFTA will have a stall at the street market.


French Conversation

Wednesday 26th February at 14:30
Host: Jackie Davis jandpdavis@btinternet.com 07598 326950

Tuesday 25th March at 14:30
Host: Sue Nice dsnice@outlook.com 01438 716584/07413 892385

Please let the hosts know if you will be attending.

Welwyn Anglo-French Twinning – Past Events

Click here to read about our past events and see our colourful publicity posters.